“One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes
On Today’s Monday Motivation, Corry discusses Stretch with Susan Husa.
Susan is passionate about encouraging others and is dedicated to helping people live peacefully, confidently, and courageously. She is a woman of faith and loves working with Christian women leaders.
Her and her husband of 27 years live in Washington. Christ and family are high priority. She loves her friendships and business relationships. She can’t imagine being without a community she supports. She supports over 900 members as the Administrator and founder of Business & Parenting Collaborative Group on Alignable. A platform for small business owners.
Susan is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach through the Co-Active Training Institute, recognized as the most rigorous and respected in the industry.
You can learn more about Susan on her website, www.animatelifecoaching.com.
Watch her talk on YouTube or listen on Apple Podcast and Spotify.
Have you ever watched a child try something new? Children are fearless. They see something that interests them and they go for it. My nephew Drake started baseball and watching him swing that bat was something else. It didn’t matter how many times he missed the ball. He would just swing again. He just kept trying until he got it.
What happens to that child-like effort, that eagerness to continue trying, and that freedom from concern regarding what we look like? The older we get, the more care we put into looking good or being right. The need to look good and be right really holds us back from trying new things and learning new things. I’ve been reading a great course book called “The Artist’s Way”, which helps you to tap into your creativity. In the book it talks about how we can’t look good and get better at the same time. That statement is exactly what causes us to get stuck and stagnant and to stop progressing. We get too caught up in looking good.
Think back to a time you learned something new, maybe how to ride a bike or swim. When was the last time you learned how to do something new? Chances are in the learning process; you may have looked silly for a bit, but looking silly allowed you to learn something new. What Is it that you would like to learn how to do now? Play the piano, waterski; speak in front of a crowd. Whatever it is that you would like to learn, I encourage you to GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE and do it. STRETCH YOURSELF. Don’t worry about looking good or being right, just get out there and do something different!
Take a moment and write down a few things you would like to learn that you know will be a stretch for you. Then write down what actions you must take to go for it. Schedule them on your calendar and do it. Stretching and learning new things will create exhilaration, fulfillment, confidence and growth. Get out of your comfort zone and enjoy what it brings you!
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