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Corry Ann Mendoza • June 20, 2022


“There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself.”

Howard Thurman

On Today’s Monday Motivation, Corry discusses VALUE with Kiley Castaneda.

Kiley Castaneda is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and the owner of Rooted Serenity Wellness Center in Redding, Ca. Kiley specializes in helping people restore hope, achieve goals and find balance so that they can live authentic, happier and fulfilling lives. After receiving her Master’s degree in Marital & Family Therapy from the University of San Diego, she went on to provide therapy and manage several county and state level behavioral and mental health facilities in both Southern and Northern California. 13 years later, she took a leap of faith and left her management position to chase her passion and share her knowledge with others. In her current practice, Kiley provides therapy, clinical supervision, coaching and workplace wellness workshops and seminars.

Watch her talk on YouTube or listen on Apple Podcast and Spotify.

Where does value come from? Supply and demand. When supply is low, demand goes up. Therefore, when something is rare it has more value. Now think about yourself. What is your value? HOW VALUABLE ARE YOU? To answer this, consider the fact that you are one of a kind. The truth is you are priceless. 

For the world to experience your priceless value, you must live in authenticity. Are you living in your one of a kind expression? Are you using your one of a kind gift? You will know if you are because you will be seen as rare, as valuable and there will be a demand for your value. 

Too often we compromise whom we are to fit in and conform to the average. Every time we do that, we dilute and minimize our authentic expression, which dilutes and minimizes our value. Lack of authenticity reduces our options tremendously. Living vanilla lives, going with the flow, working to fit in and avoiding rocking the boat, all restrict our one of a kind abilities. That way of living is not only boring, but it robs the world of what we truly have to offer.

Where in your life are you holding back and limiting your one of a kind value? How would your life be different, if you were to step into your 100% authentic expression? One of my favorite scriptures is, “A man’s gift will make room for him.” That is so true. Every time I am courageously living in my authenticity and in my values, doors open up and opportunities arise. My income increases, my options are many and life is so easy. The contrary is true as well. When I conform, I get stuck. My options go away and my value goes down.

If you desire greater income, increased happiness, and a truly fulfilling life, step into your one of a kind value. You deserve it and the world needs it.

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