“The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body, the more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.”
Tony Robbins
Monday Motivation with Corry and Jill! Today, they discussed ENERGY.
Jill has been a licensed Realtor since December 2005. Her enthusiasm, integrity, and passion have led her to a successful career in Real Estate, and she continues to be in the top 1% of Realtors in the Tri-County Region. Jill enthusiastically enjoys helping her clients through the process of buying and selling homes.
Jill can be found on Instagram (@realtorjillvandusen) and Facebook (@JillVanDusenKellerWilliamsRealEstate), where she hosts her own weekly show called “Get Real with Jill.” You can also visit Jill on her website at jillsellsrealestate.com.
When I got my first smartphone, one of my biggest complaints was that the battery would drain too quickly. Before noon I had to re- charge it. What I learned is that certain applications consumed more battery life than others. Once I figured that out, I was more purposeful with how I used my phone and my battery would easily last all day. This is no different than our own lives.
Every day, we start out with a certain amount of energy- physical, mental and emotional, and it is up to us to ensure we have ample energy for our entire day. So, how do we plan, prepare and maintain plenty of energy for the day? One way is to know what our energy drainers and our energy infusers are. We make hundreds of choices each day that either drain our energy or recharge it. Our choices with food, choices with our thoughts, choices with our actions, and choices of who we hang around with, are all either increasing or decreasing our energy.
One thing I’ve recently done to keep my energy re-charging is to create an energy infuser list. I list things and people that are fun or make me feel good. The things that are fun were pretty obvious, but the things that make me feel good require a little more thought. Because there are things that may not feel good at the time, but end up re-energizing me afterward, like going for a run, eating a salad, cleaning out my car, going to bed early, etc.
What and who are your energy infusers? Keep a running list of who and what re-charge you and then make sure that you are putting energy infusers on your calendar. Delete or eliminate as many energy drainers as possible. Watch how your days are more productive,enjoyable and fulfilling!
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