What’s the worst thing that ever happened to you? This can be a painful question if the worst thing that ever happened is happening right now. It can also be a painful question if the worst thing that ever happened is still impacting you, despite the amount of time that has gone by.
The worst thing that ever happened to any of us can become the best thing that ever happened, but that does not happen on accident, it happens with intent. We must decide that we will overcome and that we will come out better than as if it never happened before.
Too often, when we are overcoming a loss, a disappointment, or even a tragedy, we are looking to survive. We just want to get by, but we have got to set our sights higher than that. We’ve got to stir up some healthy indignation and say, “This worst thing that ever happened is going to become the best thing that ever happened!”
Look around at the most successful people on the planet and by successful I mean the happiest, the most influential, the ones who are making a positive difference on others and you will find a story within each one of those people. A story of their journey, of how they got to this place of success. That story will most likely include the worst thing that ever happened to them.
Truly successful people have horrible things happen in their lives, just like the rest of us, but successful people take their loss, their devastation, or their tragedy and they use it as an ingredient to overcome. They use it as their fuel and end up getting to a place where they would no longer wish it to be any different. They become successful because of the worst thing that ever happened, not despite it.
Amy Purdy is just one, of many, examples who experienced a loss, the loss of her legs, suddenly and tragically. Amy took that loss and made it the ingredient for her success and today impacts more lives than can be counted. Prior to this loss, she was an average young lady with average dreams. None of which touched the magnitude of her impact now, now that the “worst thing” happened to her. It was a journey for her, a painful journey that did not happen overnight. Yet, today when asked if she could go back and prevent the loss of her legs would she? Without hesitation, she answers, “No!”
The other day, last Friday to be exact, I was leaving the office and I was so overjoyed with fulfillment and purpose. I noticed how happy I felt and was grateful to be able to feel this level of happiness, rather than the lingering pain that often overshadows my days due to “the worst thing that ever happened to me.”
For the first time in a long time, I felt a glimpse of hope. I knew without a doubt that one day very soon, the worst thing that ever happened to me would certainly become the best thing that ever happened in my life. It didn’t happen to me, it happened for me.
The same can be true for all of us. The worst thing that ever happened can become the thing we are most grateful for, the catalyst that launches us into a higher level of living. It can become the necessary ingredient to cause us to rise beyond our current limits.
So, where are you with that worse thing that ever happened to you? Maybe it was a death, a disappointment, a failure, or a big loss? Whatever that worst thing was, where are you with it?
Is it still holding you down, bringing you pain, discouragement, or depression? Do you still relate to it, as the worst thing that ever happened? Or are you where I am, starting to see the signs of it becoming the very best thing you would have never known to pray for?
Or are you like Amy Purdy, in that place where you can look back with a smile, with gratitude and appreciation, saying, “If I could go back and change things, I wouldn’t.”
I want to encourage you today, no matter where you are, do not give up. Do not let the losses of life get you down or stop you in your tracks. Watch Amy’s video, take some notes and make a decision that you will overcome, you will rise above, and you will create something positive from even the worst thing that ever happened to you!
I’m doing it and it’s working out pretty well so far! I’ll keep you posted for that day, which I know is so close where I can say, “If I could go back and change things, I wouldn’t!”
You’ve got this! Keep going! Find hope, find possibility, decide to overcome, and you will! Let’s make this a great week!
With Love and Volition,
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