“The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this – decide what you want.”
Ben Stein
On Today’s Monday Motivation, Corry discusses ALIGNMENT with Carl Rabun.
Listen to their conversation: https://youtu.be/geCI3WejgrI
Carl Rabun, Ph.D., has over 15 years of experience training professionals in soft skills development, 20 years of experience working with government agencies, and over 10 years of experience managing teams within various public and private sector organizations. Carl is a Leadership and Management consultant for Mechanics Bank, UC Davis Center for Professional Education, and Sacramento State College of Continuing Education. His areas of expertise are motivation, customer/client relations, communication skills, personality, generational dynamics, diversity, conflict resolution, team dynamics, strength-based coaching, and goal setting.
We all have an outer life and an inner life. The outer life is our public life that everyone else can see, composed of our behaviors and our results. We often focus on our outer life with everyone else, and our inner life is unseen and made up of our thoughts, attitudes, and motives. To be in alignment, we must connect our outer life with our inner life, and doing that simply takes a little attention.
Too often, we get busy rushing here and there, meeting others’ expectations, unaware of what our inner life is telling us. Have you ever committed to attending an event and, after you were there, realized that you really didn’t want to be there in the first place? This is a perfect example of our outer life being disconnected from our inner life. We get out of alignment when this happens. When we are out of alignment, we cannot live in efficiency and ease.
To create alignment, we must listen to our inner life or our inner voice and then take action. Our inner voice may be telling us to calm down, relax, and be still. It may be telling us to go for it and make a change, but how will we know what it is saying if we are not listening? Too often, we look outside of ourselves for direction and answers, and we look at their circumstances in our outer life to make those logical decisions. But if we were to slow down and listen to our inner voice then take action, we would be in alignment and have efficiency and ease.
Where do you feel out of alignment? Where is there a disconnect? If you are experiencing a disconnect, stop, slow down and listen inward, listening for guidance and clarity. When we line up our outer life with our inner life, we get into a prosperous flow. Our relationships have more harmony, the productivity in our work increases, and our happiness is high. Align your outer life with your inner life today.
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