“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”
Maya Angelo
On Today’s Monday Motivation, Corry discusses listening to our SIGNALS with Alla Weinberg
Listen to their conversation: https://youtu.be/_4YyuZJMfd8
Alla Weinberg specializes in helping companies build cultures where people feel safe, respected, and able to do their best work. She is the CEO of Spoke & Wheel, a people and team development company. Alla is a workplace relationship expert with training from the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) and from Organizational Relationship and Systems Coaching (ORSC). She is the former Senior Manager of Executive Leadership Development at Salesforce, the world’s #1 CRM software.
In 2020, Alla’ book: A culture of Safety: Building an environment for people to think, collaborate, and innovate.
Learn more about Alla at www.spokeandwheel.co
When something is uncomfortable or displeasing, we generally try to make it go away. When we have a headache, we take an aspirin instead of asking, “What is my body signaling?” Discomfort and irritation are actually signals. They’re flashing yellow signs that say, “Slow down. Pay attention. Something is going on.” A headache can be provoked by thirst, so if we take an aspirin and make the headache go away, the dehydration is still there. The signal is just covered.
One of the emotions I avoid is irritation. I don’t like irritation. It’s annoying and makes me cranky. In recent days, I have found myself having an increased level of irritation. I tried all my positive attitude tricks, like reading inspiring books, writing affirmations, listening to uplifting music, but the irritation just wouldn’t go away. I found myself being snappy with my family and those around me. Since none of my efforts seemed to be working, I decided to look up the word irritation. Some of the synonyms for irritation were motivation, stimulus, and provocation.
Reading that completely shifted my perspective on this irritation and why it was present in my life. I began looking at this irritation as a tool to help me grow, a tool to provoke me into action. I was then able to recognize that the irritation was created from my stagnancy, being in my comfort zone too long. It was time for change, time for growth, and time for me to get out of my cozy little comfort bed and step into my greatness. Thank God I recognized what my irritation was signaling instead of covering it up with entertainment or avoidance.
Where do you have irritation in your life? Why is that irritation there? What is it signaling for you? It may be telling you to break the status quo and challenge yourself. It may be telling you to stretch and get out of your comfort zone. When you experience irritation, be open to seeing that it is there to produce greatness and growth in your life. Get up, get going and let irritation motivate you to take action and provoke growth.
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